If you have an elderly parent or two, you may be keeping an eye on them for several different reasons. Physical safety, emotional wellbeing, and health are all important factors that play in the anyone’s quality of life, and ensuring that an older loved one is living well can be a lot of work. One area that many people fail to give attention to is seniors’ vulnerability to scams. The world of technology has made many things easier, but it also presents some significant danger, and protecting your loved one from unscrupulous people is important.
In today’s blog, we want to take some time to share insights into the ways scammers try to get at senior citizens through email and other electronic methods. They are called “phishers.” We hope this blog will give you a few warning signs to watch for and help you protect your loved one.
Tips for Protecting Your Loved Ones from Scams
Remember that phishers like to use scare tactics.
- While clever design and technical savvy got a long way toward making phishers successful, their main tool is emotional manipulation. Anyone, especially a senior, who isn’t aware that there are people out there who will use those scare tactics can be very vulnerable. For example, you might see a phishing scam in the form of an official-looking email that simple requests the recipient update information. The emotional manipulation comes in when the email warns that failure to update the requested information will lead to a locked account or delayed services.
- Studies have shown that seniors tend to be more trusting and vulnerable to pressure, resulting in them falling into the trap. This happens even after they have been warned not to click through emails to websites or to give out personal information on the phone. The threats worry them enough that they ignore good advice. Coach them to pause before being swept up by the threats.
Be suspicious about phone calls or emails that ask for personal information.
- Phishers love phones, emails, and websites. Because it is easy to ignore phone calls from unknown numbers, email has become more popular with phishers, who use it to get personal information from people. Coach your loved one to only respond to emails from friends and family that they trust. All others should be ignored or deleted.
Mistrust generic information.
- When we say ‘generic,’ we’re saying emails addressed to “Dear Madam/Sir” or other phrases that aren’t customized to the recipient. Emails from credible sources will generally address recipients by name.
Visit The Heritage Today
The team at The Heritage is proud to provide world-class assisted living in New Jersey. We understand what a huge change it can be to move, and that is why we put such emphasis on providing the very best care that enhances our community members’ independence and dignity. We want the time they spend with us to be the best they’ve ever lived. Contact us for a tour and learn more about what makes us a favorite in Hammonton!